
General Proforma

The General Proforma section allows you to create versatile and dynamic proforma invoices without predefined data constraints. Add product details, delivery terms, payment methods, and more to create customized proforma invoices. Once generated, proformas can be easily managed, edited, or shared as needed. Read more

Liquid Proforma

The Liquid Proforma section is tailored for businesses dealing with liquid products and packaging. By inputting key details such as container sizes and pricing per liter, this section simplifies invoice generation and ensures accuracy for your liquid product transactions. Read more

Proforma List

The Proforma List section helps you organize all your generated proformas in a comprehensive list. Filter, view, edit, delete, or copy URLs of each proforma with ease, keeping your records up-to-date and accessible. Read more


The Packages section allows you to manage packaging details for your products. Track quantities, sizes, and specifications, and let the system calculate totals automatically to simplify inventory and order management. Read more


The Analytics section provides comprehensive insights into your business performance. Analyze revenue trends, product performance, and other key metrics to make informed decisions and optimize operations. Read more